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Entreprises: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z >
G - Gc |
Gd - Gf |
Gg - Gj |
Gk - Gm |
Gn - Gp |
Gq - Gu |
Gv - Gz >
G & G Sewing |
Humain 1
Emploi -17% /1998
Fraude 1
Paradis 7
Ventes 23 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 32 Mds $.€ /1998
G+H Montage |
Emploi -1% /1998
Pollution 3
Fraude 10
Paradis 7
Ventes 33 Mds $.€ /an
Salaire 248 *min.
Influence 6
Infocom 3
Gabelli Group Capital Partners Inc |
Gabetti (famille) |
Gabetti Property Solution S.p.a |
Gabriel Coulet |
Gabriel Escarrer |
Influence 1
Gaches Chimie |
Ga�l Givet |
GAF Corp. |
Influence 2
Gaggia Spa |
Paradis 1
Gagneraud (famille) |
Gagneraud BTP |
Gaiacorp Trading Ltd |
Paradis 1
Gaillard Jacques |
Galanz |
Galas |
Emploi -5% /1998
Pollution 1
Ventes 3 Mds $.€ /an
Galaxy Entertainment Group |
Galaxy Latin America |
Galbusera Spa |
Galeno Life TIM |
Galeries Lafayette |
Galiltec |
Gallagher Tony |
Gallaher Group Plc. |
Emploi -7% /1998
Ventes 14 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 2 Mds $.€ /1998
Galland Philippe |
Gallardo |
Influence 1
Gallimard (famille) |
Gallimard Editions |
Paradis 1
Gallus Gmbh |
Emploi -4% /1998
Pollution 5
Fraude 12
Paradis 3
Ventes 28 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 18 Mds $.€ /1998
Salaire 2242 *min.
Influence 10
Infocom 3
Galmed |
Galp Energia |
Pollution 1
Fraude 1
Ventes 6 Mds $.€ /an
Galp Energia ex-Petr�leos de Portugal |
Ventes 6 Mds $.€ /an
Galtaco Inc |
GalvaSud S.A. |
GAM (Grupo Azucarero Mexicano) |
Gambro AB |
Fraude 3
Ventes 3 Mds $.€ /an
GAMCO (Abu Dhabi Gulf Aircraft Maintenance Co) |
Paradis 1
Gameloft |
Gamesa |
GameStop Corp |
Paradis 3
Ventes 3 Mds $.€ /an
Salaire 797 *min.
GAN S.A. |
Paradis 7
Ventes 13 Mds $.€ /an
Influence 1
Infocom 1
Gandalf Airlines |
Gandur, Jean-Claude |
Paradis 1
Gannett Co. |
Paradis 1
Ventes 7 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 5 Mds $.€ /1998
Salaire 530 *min.
Influence 1
Infocom 1
Gant |
Garafiri |
Garan Inc |
Travail 1
Emploi -2% /1998
Fraude 1
Paradis 12
Ventes 43 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 13 Mds $.€ /1998
Salaire 490 *min.
Influence 3
Garanti Bank |
Paradis 2
Garavoglia (famille) |
Garboli-Conicos Spa |
Gardeil Biscuits |
Garden Habitats |
Paradis 6
Ventes 4 Mds $.€ /an
Gardena AG |
Ventes 3 Mds $.€ /an
Gardet SA |
Gardner Merchant Services |
Paradis 1
Garrone (famille) |
Gartmore Fund Managers International Ltd |
Paradis 1
Gartner Group |
Emploi -4% /1998
Paradis 4
Ventes 1 Mds $.€ /an
Salaire 117 *min.
Garuda |
Garufi, Michele |
Gary Comer |
Garza Laguera, Eugenio |
Garza Sada |
Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL) |
Influence 1
Gas Natural Sdg SA |
Fraude 2
Paradis 3
Ventes 10 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 3 Mds $.€ /1998
Gas Nea |
Emploi -9% /1998
Pollution 1
Paradis 1
Ventes 15 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 5 Mds $.€ /1998
Influence 1
Infocom 3
Gas Plus |
Gasag |
GasAtacama |
Gascogne Groupe |
Ventes 1 Mds $.€ /an
Gaseba |
Emploi -9% /1998
Pollution 1
Paradis 1
Ventes 15 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 5 Mds $.€ /1998
Influence 1
Infocom 3
Gaseba Uruguay SA. |
Emploi -8% /1998
Pollution 3
Fraude 4
Paradis 2
Ventes 60 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 20 Mds $.€ /1998
Salaire 100 *min.
Influence 3
Infocom 11
GasLine |
Gasmetal |
Gasnet |
Ventes 5 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 2 Mds $.€ /1998
Salaire 120 *min.
Gasoducto del Pacifico |
Gasoducto Nor Andino |
Paradis 3
Influence 2
Gaspard (famille) |
Gasquet Richard |
Gastronome |
Gasum |
Gasunie NV |
Ventes 9 Mds $.€ /an
Gates, William |
Gateway Ethanol |
Gateway Inc. |
Travail 3
Emploi -80% /1998
Fraude 1
Paradis 4
Ventes 11 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 1 Mds $.€ /1998
Salaire 74 *min.
Influence 1
Gattaz (famille) |
Gaumont |
Gavio (famille) |
Gaydamak, Arkadi |
Gaydoul |
Paradis 1
Gaylord, Edward L |
Gaz de Bordeaux |
Gaz de Strasbourg |
Gaz et Eaux |
GAZ Gorky Auto Plant |
Gaz Metropolitain and Co., Ltd Partership |
Ventes 1 Mds $.€ /an
Gazard Alain |
Paradis 1
Gaziello (famille) |
Gazprombank |
Paradis 1
Ventes 18 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 25 Mds $.€ /1998
Influence 2
Gazpromneft |
Paradis 1
Ventes 18 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 25 Mds $.€ /1998
Influence 2
Gazsnabtransit |
GBC Bancorp (General Bank) |
GCap Media plc |
Emploi -13% /1998
GCI Group |
Emploi -1% /1998
Paradis 1
Ventes 4 Mds $.€ /an
Profit 2 Mds $.€ /1998
Salaire 408 *min.
Influence 2
Infocom 4
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Entreprises: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z >