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Implantations & production
année | activité source |
2004 | Premier cabinet juridique mondial. | Financial Times |
année | employés <> | impact social : pays source |
2004 | -100 | Fermeture/Faillite: Clifford Chance closed three of its four offices on the West Coast of the U.S., which contributed to the firm losing about 100 lawyers at the U.S. practice. The law firm also closed its Berlin office. Announced that full-year profit increased 15 percent after ``difficult decisions''led to lower costs. traduire : Etats-Unis | Bloomberg |
année | employés <> | impact social : pays source |
année |   | ventes | | | | source |
2001 |
| 1,35 | | |   | milliard(s) US$ | Entreprise |
2000 |
| 1,35 | | |   | milliard(s) US$ | Entreprise |
1999 |
| 1 | | |   | milliard(s) US$ | Entreprise |
année | délinquance financière | ventes | résultat | actifs | rachat | source |
année | objectif : intermédiaire/lobby : institution source |